The 38th International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts
Hannover, Germany
August 25 to August 29, 2025
The 38th annual SCA Symposium will be held at Hannover, Germany. This year’s conference will kick off with a Short Course “Core Analysis for Sustainable Carbon and Energy Storage” on the morning of August 25 followed by 3½ days of technical sessions including oral and poster presentations. The SCA Technical Committee invites abstract submissions for oral presentations and posters for the following (but not limited) theme-related and other topics.
- Big Data, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning for Core Analysis
- Coring Operations
- Laboratory Core Analysis
- Improved SCAL Techniques and Interpretation
- Wettability
- Displacement Mechanisms/EOR/IOR
- Subsurface Storage/scCO2/Hydrogen
- Geomechanics and Coupled Processes
- Core-Log Integration and Upscaling
- Pore Scale Imaging and Modelling
- Unconventionals and Shales
- Reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Other (If your paper does not fit directly into any of the above then please suggest an alternative topic/theme)
Abstracts are due February 21, 2025. Only abstracts submitted electronically at will be considered for this conference.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 7,2025. If you require any further information regarding the proposed technical topics/themes, contact Olivier Lopez (SCA VP of Technology) at
Call for Abstracts Submission Form
The form must be fully completed for each abstract submitted for consideration. The Technical Committee will review all abstracts. For abstracts accepted as Oral or Alternate Oral a complete manuscript (12-page limit based on the SCA template) will be required by May 2, 2025. The manuscripts will then be reviewed by the Technical Committee.
Authors should note that acceptance of the abstract does not automatically guarantee acceptance of the final manuscript, this will only be confirmed after the completed manuscript has been reviewed by the Technical Committee.